As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Articles submitted must be original contributions and have not been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  2. Articles may be written either in English, Malay or the Arabic language; must be typed in  Microsoft Word, in either Times New Roman Font or preferably Arial Unicode MS Font, 12 in size, and doubled-spaced; and should be 20 to 30 pages approximately, or not exceeding 6,000 words. An abstract consisting of 100 to 200 words, together with a list of 5 to10 keywords, ought to be submitted with each article.

  3. Author's full name (in the form preferred for publication), university or professional affiliation, as well as complete postal address, e-mail and telephone number where the author can be reached should be included. A four-sentence current biodata of each respective author should also be provided. Be sure to inform the editor of any change in the aforementioned particulars while the manuscript is being processed for publication.

  4. In cases of multi-authored article, the number of authors involved must be deemed reasonable by TAFHIM Editorial Board. Also required is Author Contributions statement in footnote form which indicates their specific roles and contributions. The appearance of multiple authors under the main title of the article ought to reflect their degree of involvement in authoring it, with the most active contributors listed first.

  5. Use of diacritics for transliteration must follow the system and method outlined in the Transliteration Table provided herein.

  6. References to any source should be numbered consecutively throughout and appear as footnotes. All initial references should contain the author’s name, full title of book or article, place and year of publication, publisher, volume as well as issue number, and page reference, while subsequent references should partially indicate the author’s name, the respective title, and the page(s) being referred to. A complete list of such references must also be supplied at the end of the article.

  7. Reference to date/year must be arranged in the following sequence: date or year in A.H./its equivalent in C.E., such as 505/1111. If reference is made only to the Hijrah Calendar, it should be duly specified (at the very least by A.H.); otherwise, the reference is generally considered to have been to that of the Common Era (C.E.)

  8. In the event of doubt, reference should be made to The Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian’s A Manual for Writers.
  9. The TAFHIM Editorial Board may invite an erudite scholar or a professional to write an article in his/her field of expertise. The format of the invited article must follow the standard specified by TAFHIM, and must be an original article which has not been published elsewhere. Suitability for publication will be determined by the TAFHIM Editorial Board.