TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World imposes no fees on authors who wish to contribute their writings. On the other hand, in the spirit of Islamic culture of scholarship, TAFHIM Journal appreciates authors who have successfully published in TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World with a token of appreciation of RM 500.


TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World allocates a period of 2 to 6 months of processing which includes reviewing, proofreading, editing, typesetting, and publishing.


All manuscripts submitted to TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World are subject to initial appraisal by the editors. If found suitable for further consideration, with the exception of invited authors, manuscripts are then subject to a double blind peer review process carried out by two independent, anonymous experts in the field. The reviewer’s recommendations are taken into consideration by the editors in arriving at publication and revision decisions. Comments from the external reviewers are sent to the authors where the authors will be notified of the journal’s decision (accept, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, or reject). This entire review process will take between two and four months after submission of the manuscript. The review process is treated confidentially at all times. The editors’ decision is final.


TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World publishes two issues, in June and December, every year.


TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World accepts manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration for publication by other print or electronic media. The authors agree to transfer the copyright to TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World editorial office. However, it can be reprinted with a proper acknowledgement that it was published in TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World.