Malaysian Muslim Perspective vis-à-vis Organ Donation: A Maqāṣid-Based Field Study
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Malaysia faces a critical shortage of organ donors, with Muslims participating at lower rates compared to other ethnoreligious groups. This study investigates the sociocultural and religious factors shaping Muslim attitudes towards organ donation. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, a survey conducted in Kuala Lumpur assessed Muslims’ willingness to donate organs, while an interview with the Head of the National Transplant Resource Centre explored cultural and religious influences. Findings reveal significant barriers, including misconceptions that organ donation is self-harm, concerns about missing organs on Judgement Day, and beliefs regarding the sanctity of the human body in Islam. The study suggests that raising awareness through culturally sensitive campaigns, aligned with Sharīʿah principles, could address these concerns. This could potentially increase the number of Muslim organ donors, thus supporting the Sharīʿah goal of preserving life.
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