PRINSIP-PRINSIP UMUM FALSAFAH DAN ETIKA ALAM SEKITAR MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM The Philosophical and Ethical Principles of Environment from the Islamic Perspective

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Khalif Muammar A. Harris


This article outlines two major challenges to environmental sustainability. First is the challenge of secularisation or the secular worldview, specifically the disenchantment of nature, which provides a fertile ground for the emergence of the materialistic, irresponsible, and selfish man. Second is the challenge of the reduction of religion as a result of a backward and shallow understanding of religion, such that Islam is viewed as being static and powerless in providing solutions for today’s civilisational and global challenges. Therefore, this article explains, concisely and precisely, albeit with extensive and intensive meanings, some important and relevant concepts such as ʿibādah, taklīf, khalīfah, amānah, taskhīr, ʿālam, al-dīn, al-Sharīʿah, iṣlāḥ, adab, ʿamal ṣāliḥ, iḥsān, itqān, taqwā, and ṣadaqah to identify the general principles of environmental philosophy and ethics from the perspective of Islam.

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How to Cite
Khalif Muammar A. Harris. (2022). PRINSIP-PRINSIP UMUM FALSAFAH DAN ETIKA ALAM SEKITAR MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM: The Philosophical and Ethical Principles of Environment from the Islamic Perspective. TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 15(1).
Author Biography

Khalif Muammar A. Harris, Pusat Kajian Tinggi Islam, Sains dan Peradaban Raja Zarith Sofiah (RZS-CASIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

PhD, Pengarah


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