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One of the great assets and distinguishing features of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) is the presence of an invaluable special collection of materials encompassing different aspects of the civilisation of Islam in her library, amounting to more than eight thousand (8000) books published between the 17th to early 20th century in more than twenty (20) languages. It makes IKIM Library one of the few libraries in Malaysia and perhaps Southeast Asia with such a collection.The presence of several sets of the world’s leading journal publications in Oriental and Islamic studies is another unique feature of IKIM Library. The consist of eighty five (85) different research societies and institutions of international repute for the last 163 years. The main research themes of such journal collections are general studies on Islamic Civilisation; regional studies of the Arab lands, Iran, Central Asia, South Asia, as well as Southeast Asia; and Semitic Studies. The main goal of this article is to acquaint readers and specialists with this collection of scientific journals and present it as comprehensive historiographical source on the history of Muslim civilisation.
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